Carrie Sackett, Social therapeutics and life coach

About Carrie Sackett, MS, PCC

Welcome! I'm Carrie Sackett, and I specialize in social therapeutic coaching that helps people build stronger relationships and overcome loneliness. With 25 years of experience, I have a background in various roles, including corporate global change leader, award-winning communications professional and international nonprofit executive.

I trained with the founders of social therapeutics at the East Side Institute in Manhattan and hold certifications from the International Coaching Federation and the Somatic School in London. My goal is to make emotional growth and relationship-building skills accessible to everyone, empowering individuals to become the creators of their lives.

Whether you're navigating personal growth, exploring new relationship dynamics or seeking a supportive community, my coaching practice is here to guide you on your journey. Let's work together to develop the skills and connections you need to thrive.

Throughout my diverse experiences, I’ve realized that relationships are at the heart of everything.  The way we engage and connect  with others is the key to reigniting our personal growth and development.


Kind Words from Clients

“I found my last session with Carrie so helpful. She was able to revoice and add to what my needs were (wanting to feel supported and revisiting work conversation). I really appreciate our work together.”


“The effects of working in a group sharing our experiences and stories, creating something together, gave me hope, and calm. Carrie’s counseling style is one of love and care. I highly recommend.”



What is a ZPD?

Have you ever wondered what drives personal growth and development and if we ever hit an end point? Are we done growing at a certain age? 12? 21? 35?

The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), discovered by Lev Vygotsky in the early 20th century, offers insight into human learning and transformation. It is best described as this: We can do much more with others than we can on our own.

Think about how babies learn to speak. They don’t  study grammar books; they start communicating because  the people around them relate to them as if they could speak, as if they make sense. It is through this joint activity that babies become language speakers. This concept of learning through interaction is at the heart of ZPD and social therapeutic coaching.

Social therapeutics founders Dr. Fred Newman and Dr. Lois Holzman built on Vygotsky’s work and created a method for continuous life growth. At ZPD Coaching, we use this approach to create a supportive environment where you can develop and grow with others. Our coaching is like an ensemble performance of conversation, where everyone contributes to building something new.

Through ZPD Coaching, we build something together out of which new things can emerge. You gain emotional tools for navigating challenging, unpredictable and transitional  situations. You will discover new ways to see and understand the people in your life – whether it’s your spouse, partner, boss, child. And you learn new ways to relate to them in meaningful and constructive ways, fostering personal growth, emotional wellness and a deeper sense of connection and belonging.


Work with Carrie

Something transformed when I shared my imposter syndrome experiences. The group saw me as much bigger in the world than I saw myself. I am way more confident in my business interactions now.