What People say about Life Development Groups

As the world becomes more lonely, uncertain and unknowable, there is more need for the power of social therapeutic group coaching.

My groups range in size from 4-8 participants. People from all walks of life who are serious about emotional growth are welcome.



The group has already impacted on my thinking and personal growth, after only two sessions. Thank you, Carrie! - Jamie

Hi Groupmates! Wanted to share a moment last week when I felt close to you all and the group.

I was in the mountains with Antonio (the person I have started seeing) and I felt shame and fear of failure many times (when I was cooking, when I was hiking, when I was doing anything I don’t do on a normal basis).

In those moments I reminded myself of what we all have built together in group and I felt so proud. I thought about: What would Michelle say right now? What would Ashok say? Carrie? How do I create a new performance? The group has helped me through the “U-turns” that I’m inclined to make out of habit and reminded me that I have power and that I can be a leader in those moments. And everything turned out great! I wanted to say that I’m grateful to be building our group with all of you and thank you for giving me that support.   – Soraya


“Carrie supports my emotional development which has helped me grow and get closer to humanity. I am so inspired by this way of connecting with people. Her work is her insight and her dedication to all of us. The group, as guided by Carrie, feels safe, in the sense that whatever comes up, we approach it together and with compassion; we grow. – Lisa


Something transformed when I shared my imposter syndrome experiences. The group saw me as much bigger in the world than I saw myself. I am way more confident in my business interactions now. - Lamine

“The group was so supportive when I shared how hard it is for me to ask for help from others. I expected to be judged. Instead, I was embraced. We have created a sense of community that’s very important to me.” – Candida

“I have genuinely learned how to be a better listener through working in group. I cannot thank you enough. My girlfriend and I have gotten much closer and I feel I have more in my life than ever.” – Michael

The world needs us humans to develop emotionally if we are to have a chance at making it a more decent, happy, inclusive and sustainable place. I guide participants in learning to build with what’s going on for them in the present moment.

  • discover how to be less lonely

  • move beyond self-doubt

  • improve their love and family relationships

  • get support during a life transition

  • become less shy, anxious and awkward around others

  • grow as a professional leader

  • get more comfortable in the not knowing; i.e., get released from having to KNOW as a prerequisite to feeling connection, joy or happiness

When we experience that other people can make use of what we have to give (our messy emotionality, philosophical questioning, caring) in service of building something larger than ourselves—aka the group, well that’s a spiritual experience. It breaks the boundaries that society puts us in. It opens us up to new possibilities, new kinds of conversations and new ways of being in the world.

In other words, group members together and individually discover their power to create their lives, and to create an intimate environment in which the group can takes emotional risks together.

It’s a weekly emotional-relational workout. Similar to regular yoga or fitness workouts, social therapeutic groups provide a regular context to exercise our emotional muscles—discover new emotions, grow beyond old ones—with others.  

Others is key because we are a social species. Our pain has been created socially and our cure must also get created socially.

Here are some ways my clients have expanded their emotional toolbox in social therapeutic groups:

  • trust themselves to be able to handle uncomfortable situations/conversations

  • give up imposter syndrome

  • allow themselves to be given to by others

  • express a want or a need to a loved one

  • be more improvisational and creative in their relationships

  • reduce judgementalness of and competitiveness with others

  • see themselves as creators of their lives

  • become a better unconditional giver to others

  • radically improve listening skills and the ability to hear offers in what others say

Several times a year, I offer a 4-week group as a way to experience this immediately impactful, philosophical and meaning-making activity. I hope you will reach out to me for a consultation and decide to jump in! A complimentary 50-minute individual session is built into the program.

All power to the developing!


A New Kind of Boundary


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